







Handgun Choices and Safety

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Today I have some important information for those of you who have never fired a hand gun before or are new to shooting. We’ll be going through the different options available to you and go over important things you should know about your first firearm purchase.  

One of the most important things to learn about shooting are the basic rules of firearm safety, remember to treat all firearms as if they are loaded and keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 

Always keep the fire arm pointed down range and do not point it at anything you do not wish to shoot. And always remember to be aware of your target and what is beyond it. 

For those of you who are new to hand guns it is important to know the differences between the two types. You have pistols and you have revolvers, they each function differently.

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First we will talk about the revolver.

These hand guns usually hold between five and six shots in the cylinder. As the trigger is pulled the cylinder rotates and feeds the next bullet into the firing position. The empty cases remain inside the cylinder until you are ready to unload them. Without any manipulation, the first trigger pull is called double action. It’s traditionally a long pull that causes the cylinder to rotate and the firing pin to activate the next shot.

Many people, especially women, choose a revolver for their first handgun for carry or for home defense. All safeties are internal, that means that when you pull the trigger the shot fires. It’s a great choice for beginners.

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The second type is the pistol. One of the key features with a pistol is that it will hold more rounds than a standard revolver. 

The main difference is that the bullets are magazine fed and when the pistol is fired the top portion of the gun, called the slide, moves to the rear during recoil. It is important to be sure that you have a good proper grip when firing to be sure that your hands are clear of the moving slide. 


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There are several types of pistols on the market. On this model 1911 the first shot is called single action, that means it has a shorter lighter pull than a double action first shot. There are also several manual safeties that a shooter will have to manipulate before firing.



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Another version of the pistol is the M and P. Like the revolver, when you squeeze the trigger the shot is ready to go. Other key features about the M and P pistol is that it is light, durable, and easy to manage for new shooters. It is an excellent choice for women.

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Once you understand the basic rules of firearm safety and have explored the options of the two different types of handguns, you can make the choice that is best for you. And now you are ready to get started.

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