
PRO TIPS with the Colt Combat Advisory Team



Pro Tip: Justine Williams - Carbine Table Starts


What I just demonstrated is a loaded carbine pick up. 

Now, this can be used in a competition scenario, as well as for self-defense and just general range safety. 

What looked like a smooth solid pick-up motion actually can be broken into four different parts. 

The first step is establishing a good grip on the rifle. We are going to make sure our weak hand is on the hand guard and our strong hand is on the grip. We want to make sure that our trigger finger is off the trigger and on the side of the gun. 

From here we are going to practice it a few times to make sure that we have a good grip, and our hands are in the right place. 

Once our grip is set, we are going to roll straight into step number two, picking the rifle up. The safety will come off, as we pull into our shoulder.

Colt26-Table-07Step number three is to present our gun to the target while acquiring a sight picture, which will roll straight into step number four which is breaking the shot. 

Pay attention closely while I do this live fire. This first time going through its twenty five percent speed, nice slow you can really see the four individual steps.

The next one is a little bit faster. 

This third one you can really start to see the four steps blending together. And the fourth one is fast and at my match speed. 

I like to break down the unloaded start into four different steps.

As you can see my gun is on my strong side and my mag is on my support side. 

Step number one is going to be grabbing the gun and the mag and bringing it up. You’re going to be looking at the mag well. 

Step number two is inserting and pulling slightly down on the mag to make sure it is fully seated.


Next, you’re going to push with your right hand and pull with your left hand as you cycle charging handle. And let the gun do its work, that is going to chamber the next round. 

You’re then going to present the gun to the target and fire. 

As you can see in this demonstration, I as slowly picking up my speed as I go through each time. You can really see the four separate elements in my very beginning and to progress faster, I eventually get to my match speed where all of the four elements blend together into one. 

Practicing your loaded and unloaded table starts will not only make you a better shooter on the range, but it will also make you a better shooter off the range. 

Now keep in mind I am using a Colt nine-millimeter PCC. But you can use this for any of your rifles.  

So, practice your table starts, get out to the range and shoot. 







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